Rental Options

One Time Field Rentals

Is your outdoor practice going to get rained out?

Want to have a friendly indoor game with your friends?

Rent one of our indoor turf fields.

Contact us for availability and prices!

Meeting Room Rental

Use our party room as a private meeting space! We have plenty of tables and chairs for you to display information or bring snacks/beverages and invite the whole team to get down to business!

Contact us for availability and prices

Training Space Opportunities

Reoccurring field space for a set amount of time.

Contact us for availability and pricing.

Event Venue Rental

Would you like to use our facility to host an event? Contact us at to discuss options!

Field Sizes

“A” Field is 60 feet wide by 160 feet long.

“B” Field is 56 feet wide by 160 feet long. 

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